
Lincoln Says “America Will Live Forever Or Die By Suicide”

Steven Rabb

Steven Rabb

Author, The Founder’s Speech to a Nation in Crisis

Hello Fellow Patriot,

How have so many come to so loathe our nation and it’s history? How can we survive as a nation if we cherry pick American history to paint only an ugly portrait of our past. Self loathing is as destructive in a people as it is in a person. And yet power seekers continue to tell a narrative of history through the frame of perpetrators and victims. Their stories have the same ending.

They believe America is as flawed today as it ever has been, and that voting for them is the only way to save it. In fact all of their historical narratives about race, faith, family and economy end with their acquiring more centralized power to “fix” the problem. We should be cautious as to the motives of those who find only negative in others or in our nation’s history. They only pull down others and our history to lift themselves up. If we fall for this, or let our children be taught this, well, then Lincoln will have predicted it, and we as a nation will die by suicide.

Blessings to you,
Steven Rabb
Author, The Founder’s Speech to a Nation in Crisis

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